Mandarin pronunciation workshop

Mandarin Pronunciation Workshop is designed to give participants an overview of the pronunciation features of Mandarin Chinese to help them enhance their speech. The workshop will touch on Pinyin romanisation system and the sounds in Mandarin, as well as clarifying the many confusions speakers might have. A session that provides participants with a lot of speaking practice, will enable participants to speak Mandarin with greater clarity and precision. This workshop will be conducted in English and Mandarin.


(The place has an entrance fee for 200 NTD)

No.9聚會空間(9號聚會空間) / 台北市中正區羅斯福路四段78巷1弄9號


票種 販售時間 售價

~ 2019/08/05 20:40(+0800) 結束販售
  • 免費

2 報名人

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...以及其他 1 人